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Credit Reporting
January 16, 2018
Modernization of The Credit Report Process Brings Greater Access to Consumers
The call to apply for credit is everywhere you look. Interest-free offers, discounts for acting today, and special promotions encouraging you to buy today and pay tomorrow with the swipe of a credit card.Read More
November 21, 2017
Credit Bureau Reporting Changes as of July 2017
The three major credit bureau reporting agencies, Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion will stop reporting most tax liens and judgments on credit files beginning July 1, 2017. The news made headlines in the Wall Street Journal...Read More
October 17, 2017
Top 8 Financial Tips for First Time Home Buyers
Buying a home is often the largest purchase you will make in your lifetime. For first time home buyers, this big decision can lead to both excitement and fear. Navigating the process in a systematic...Read More
October 03, 2017
Top Challenges You Face Using Credit Cards
Credit cards are used by millions of consumers to make everyday purchases including groceries, clothes, and gas. Credit cards are easy, convenient, and accepted nearly everywhere. However, they are also confusing. Unless you realize the...Read More