Saving money is important to just about everyone, but some folks will go to extreme lengths to keep from opening their wallet. While there are probably more efficient ways of hanging on to your hard-earned dollars, we commend the people on the list below for their ingenuity, tenacity, and downright dedication. Read on to discover some of the most outrageous things people have done to save money.

Two Foodie Jobs

A reader Patricia wrote in to tell about a period of her life where she worked two jobs, as a server at a restaurant and at a country club. In both positions she would stay late after others had left and combed through the leftovers that otherwise would have just been thrown out to take home and freeze for lunch and dinner later in the month.

Cut the Cable

Cable bills might seem like a fact of life, but they're costing you hundreds of dollars a year for a whole lot of channels you probably don't use. Just Plain Marie suggests cutting the cable service and sticking to the likes of Netflix and YouTube for entertainment or moving away from the screen entirely and getting out in the world!

The No Spend Challenge

Take one last trip to the mall to pick up the things you're absolutely going to need for the next year, suggests Michelle from Michelle is Money Hungry. That's what she did before taking a year long No Spend Challenge where she didn't buy a single new piece of clothing for an entire year, managing to save over $4,000 in the process.

Laundry in the Bathtub

Another reader of, Cindy, wrote in to say she had saved significantly on water and energy expenses by washing her family's clothes by hand in the bathtub. If nothing else, this will help you appreciate how much labor and time we save thanks to modern conveniences like the washing machine!

Use the Freezer

NYC resident Ryan has a clever tip for keeping cool without the AC in those sweltering summer months. He wrote in to Making Sense of Cents to offer his story of freezing water bottles in the freezer, then keeping them in his bed during the night as a way to keep cool without having to keep an air conditioner running all night. Pretty cool, Ryan.

We all do our best to save money, but there are those of us who take it much further than others. Sometimes these strategies can lead to big savings, while other times they're a simple display of willpower or dedication to reaching a savings goal. Whatever your motivation, take inspiration from these stories and keep that bank account growing!

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