And if you can’t find an answer, call us.

What you may be wondering
Am I a good candidate for debt resolution?
- The ideal candidate for debt resolution is someone who is experiencing financial hardship that makes it difficult to make payments on their credit card debts. He or she is making minimum or low payments on their cards and sees little improvement in terms of reducing the total amount owed. The ideal candidate is looking to reduce their monthly payments and pay off their debts within a timeframe of 2-4 years as opposed to the 20-40 years that it will take by continuing to make monthly payments.
How long will it take me to complete the program and pay off my debts?
- The time required to complete our debt resolution program will vary based upon how much money you owe and how much you will be able to pay each month to build up the cash required to settle your accounts. Our consultants will work with you determine the program length that is best suited to get you out of debt quickly while not adding any unnecessary hardship to your current financial situation. Our average clients finish the program somewhere between 2 and 4 years.
How are the fees for the program charged? Are there any upfront fees?
- Absolutely not. At Timberline Financial you will not be charged a fee until we resolve a debt. Even, then, we will only collect the fee associated with each resolved account. This is our way of assuring you that our specialists will remain committed to your objectives, your satisfaction, and your future.
What happens if I miss a monthly payment?
- We understand that you entered the program due to a difficult financial situation. We do not expect it to go away overnight. However, we want you to be aware that making the scheduled payments is critical to the success of your program. The faster the money accumulates in your account, the quicker we are able to negotiate reduced pay-off amounts on your behalf. Simply put, making your monthly payment is the most important factor in paying off your debts and restoring normalcy to your life.
When will I begin to see progress on my account?
- Once you have accumulated a sufficient amount in your program account we will begin negotiating settlements with your creditors. This amount will typically range from 40%-50% on the enrolled amount. Depending on the amount owed on each of your cards, the timeframe during which this will occur will vary. Our typical client usually sees his first settlement somewhere between his 5th and 7th month in the program.
Can I still use my credit cards when I am in the program?
- No, your participating cards will be rendered inactive. We do recommend, however, that you set aside one card to be used for any emergency situations that might arise. Ideally, this should be a card with an available balance.
Who is holding the funds that accumulate from my monthly payments?
- A third party processor oversees your program account and disburses funds to creditors enrolled in the programs. Please bear in mind that this account is maintained in your name only. It is FDIC insured and is accessible only with your authorization. You can view your drafts, payments, and account balances and monthly statements on line 24/7.
What if my creditor does not deal with debt resolution companies?
- Some creditors will tell you that they do not deal with 3rd party negotiators because they want to scare you into dealing with them directly and accepting a weak offer or perhaps no offer at all. If we accept a debt belonging to a particular creditor into our program it is only because we have a history of successfully negotiating agreements with them on behalf of our clients. Remember, if we cannot negotiate a settlement, we do not get paid.
Is it possible for me to resolve my debts on my own?
- Yes, it is possible. However, doing so can be compared to treating your own illnesses, fixing the plumbing in your home or installing a computer network. There may be a handful of people who can do the job right but most lack the experience and the patience required to do so. Furthermore, the bad outcomes that can result from doing the job wrong usually outweigh any benefits you may foresee from doing it yourself. At Timberline, our staff of professional strategists and negotiators have years of experience in dealing with creditors and negotiating the best settlements on behalf of our clients. When it comes to debt resolution, the difference between doing it yourself vs doing it with a professional can cost you thousands of dollars.
Will my credit be impacted by participating in my program?
- In all likelihood, your credit has already been impacted by the amount of debt you are currently carrying when compared to your income. Other factors that may be impacting your credit are the amount of your monthly payments compared to the amount you owe. Our program is designed to pay off your debts in a quick timeframe that will help you move on with your life. While your credit will likely be negatively impacted during the course of the program, you should be in a better position to build it back up for the long run once your debts are paid off.